UWF StringFest is an annual summer camp for pre-college strings, held for two weeks in June at the University of West Florida Center for Fine and Performing Arts.
The first week (UWF Jr. StringFest) is dedicated to students grades 4-6 who play at an advanced level on the violin, viola, cello, or bass. Students with participate in sectional and full orchestra rehearsals, workshops, and various projects.
The second week (UWF String QuartetFest) is dedicated to students grades 6-12 who play at an advanced level on the violin, viola, cello, or bass. Students will participate in string quartet lessons and rehearsals, instrumental clinics, small group lessons, master classes, and various workshops.
Instructors include UWF faculty, Pensacola Symphony Orchestra principal players, local school orchestra directors, and UWF’s most successful alumni and students.
At the end of each week of the festival, students perform in a formal concert, free of admission, at the UWF Rolfs Music Hall.
For information about auditions, schedule, and tuition, contact Dr. Leonid Yanovskiy, director, UWF StringFest: lyanovskiy@uwf.edu.
Dates for UWF StringFest 2024 will be announced in early 2024.
Watch our previous StringFest performances here!